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Monday, February 24, 2020

Men Who Rock Our World!

Playgirl Magazine, August, 1995
By Judy Cole
Submitted by Natalie

Playgirl picks the 10 sexiest rockers for 1995!

  Though a native Californian, singer Jeff Buckley is a phenomenon staight out of Manhattan's Lower East Side club scene. The twentysomething, sable-haired songwriter prefers to perform his multi-faceted music in intimate venues to see if he can "make big magic in a really small place." Once you've heard Jeff's full-length debut album, Grace, and become familiar with his remarkably persuasive vocal and instrumental talents-not to mention a breathtaking face that would put Romeo to shame-we're betting that you'd have no problem making some intimate magic with him, as well.
  Buckley has a heavy-duty musical pedigree, but claims the only thing he has in common with his father, well-respected songwriter Tim Buckley, is the family name. Raised by his mom, a classically trained pianist and cellist, and an auto mechanic-stepfather with a penchant for Led Zeppelin, it took Buckley awhile to find his own niche. He picked up his first guitar at age five, began writing songs in his teens and left school at 17 to give the Hollywood scene a try before finally winding up in New York where he bumped around in a series of rock and reggae bands, including Gods and Monsters.
  According to current press, Buckley's most intense passion is for his music. With it, he explains, "you can reach a trance-like stage where what's really going on inside the human psyche is being sung to...the music aims at what what's going on underneath...not what people pretend to be, or what they can buy in a store. The scared little kid or the full-on romantic is being accessed."
  For those of you looking to tap into Buckley's romantic side, tune into the Grace track "Lover, You Should Have Come Over." Now, turn down the lights and imagine him singinging only for you, "It's never over/She's the tear that hangs inside my soul forever." We guarantee it will get you...and we do mean right there.