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Monday, October 4, 2021

Letter to Rolling Stone

Submitted by Dan Kenna

Berlin 2/21/95 2.30 pm

Dear Rolling Stone

Although I havenā€™t seen it yet my friends tell me that thereā€™s a Buckley/Etheridge photo-op in your last issue taken at the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame Ceremony. Thereā€™s some mention (although Iā€™m not sure yet) of my breaking down into tears for some reason or other. Iā€™ll give you the deal in full.
As for Melissa she was just trying to ease past my table...she doesnā€™t even know me. Some photo-goon shouted for her to pose with me. ā€œMelissa! Over here!ā€ All she could do was stare at me comically and say ā€œWhoā€™s this guy?!ā€ Whatever. Our fault for being there at the right moment.
However I WAS the guy in the ugly orange jacket who left the dining area in tears.
I lost almost every tear I had because of Frank Zappa. I lost every funeral tear for him in a dining room at the stinking Waldorf Astoria Hotel as I watched the INDUSTRY finally allow Frank Zappa, safely gone from the world, to be inducted into its rock n roll heaven. I wept and I wanted to light the whole fucking place on fire. I was so sad and so angry, what the FUCK was I doing there? Why tonight? Anybody who knows a shred of Frankā€™s history can tell you that his relationships with his record labels (barring his own) were completely adversarial. Bitter. Corrupt. A few choice words come to my mind thinking back on the stories I knew as a kid when I first started listening to him.
During the ceremony, I saw a man on the stage tell the audience that when the Mothers first came on the scene in ā€˜66, boy did the rocknroll public sit up and take notice that times were changin.
I really wish that this was true. In reality NOBODY gave a DAMN except a few on the side of freakness. And since the beginning of Frankā€™s career he was constantly IGNORED and TRIVIALIZED by the record buying publicā€¦industry...Rock Gods...whatever.
Ask any artist in the room with me that night, theyā€™ll tell you. Maybe.
The award for me was as sweet as a mouthful of ear-wax.
After years and years of loving and listening to him, I couldnā€™t help it.
So I broke down, his bearded visage on a huge video screen, with no Frank to accept his award.
No Frank. Beautiful intelligent Frank.
I cried because my friend Lenny was there and he understood my face.
I cried because a real true spark of light had actually disappeared from my worldā€¦And I didnā€™t see it coming.
I cried because thereā€™s a boy inside of me who looked to Frank to untangle the satanic mess of American politics and the voodoo cocktail of the music industry.
I cried because he fought against the system that fucked with so many, destroyed a few, but never destroyed him. Go to the record store, call up Barking Pumpkin, see if he won.
He kicked itā€™s ass for good.
 I cried because I loved himā€¦And now heā€™s gone and Iā€™ll never ever know him.
I cried because there was something in Louā€™s* voice while he gave Frankā€™s induction speech that told me that now was the time to mourn Frank Zappa. I hadn't before, for some reason.
So I mourned. Iā€™m sorry it made it into the papers.
I write this letter dressed in black, one cup of black coffee on the right, soundcheck blaring in Berlin background, having to weep very soon in secret.
I love you Frank. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Goodnight Austin Texas, wherever you areā€¦
Jeff Buckley
(*Louā€™s voiceā€¦meaning Lou Reed...thatā€™s a whole other letter. Bollocks to the Hall of Fame.)

thanks to Gabby for finding

Sunday, October 3, 2021

"Joe Cool" autograph

"Joe Cool" or "blind man's bluff"? You decide...šŸ˜šŸ˜†šŸ˜Ž