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Monday, March 11, 2019


Rolling Stone, September, 1995.
Submitted by Sai

"Crappin' You Negative" Grifters (Shangri-La) Usually rock is result oriented with a lot of bombast, but these guys are natural. Just by standing still they destroy me in a really beautiful way.

Symphony No. 3 Henryk Góreki (Nonesuch) It's the saddest piece of music you'll ever hear. At different times for me, it either gives me ultimate hope or just makes me want to slash my wrists with a house cat.

Allen Ginsberg America's last exponent of ecstatic poetry.

Nina Simone I love her taste and her sorrow. But it's not just sorrow, there's a lot of irony. And when she sings upbeat tunes, she rocks.

"Rough Power" Iggy and the Stooges (bootleg tape) It's the version of Raw Power that they brought to the record executives, who ran screaming for David Bowie to remix it. The guitars are much ruder, and it's got weird backing vocals. I love it even though I know bootlegs are dastardly things.

Shudder to Think They're the anti-rock stars I've always hoped for.

"Opening Night" Directed by John Cassavetes He has a realism that's excruciating because it's all emotional, and Gena Rowlands is gorgeous and tough.

"Bitch!Dyke!Faghag!Whore!" Penny Arcade (P.S. 122, New York) The show was everything you ever wanted to know about censorship, feminism, counterculture and joy-without speaking about any of those things.

"The Gemini Suite" Jon Lord (Purple) Lord, who's from Deep Purple, was commissioned by the BBC to write this orchestral piece. It's Spinal Tap made real It's the worst piece of crap you'll ever hear, and I love it. 

Hot Dogs The clean, New York variety. You've got your crappy hot dog, fragile bun, watery sauerkraut, ketchup and mustard, and it's only a dollar. It's like eating the whole city for a dollar.

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